Alright so here goes... So..I was blog surfing the other day, checking out how this things really work and I realize that people usually write about their days and all. So I'm guessing this is like an internet diary or some sort. Well everyone seems to be doing it, so why the hack not I try it out.
Okay, i shall start xD
Today, the 16th of July 2008, was an ordinary weekday, schooling day and a Wednesday! Like usual, I'm forced to wake up early in the morning to get ready for school. Me knowing me, I'll take forever to get ready so i had to wake up extra early every morn just to be in time for school which is just a 8 minutes drive away.
{fast forwarding to something that'll stop you from this boring misery}
During English period, Pn. Lily wasn't around for some reason. So I had a whole loads of free time to chat around with my friends ( Keng Ean, Lai Kuan, Yee Fern & Li shyen )...A lot of laughter and noise was share that time with other gangs chattering away, the guys in the next table playing 'cho tai ty', Keng Ean being her lame old self and i started singing the " I am weasel " theme song. After i sang friends started to sing with me and we had a good laugh then. We were all quiet for a while to catch our breath and to think bout more horribly irritating things to laugh our ass off...then Keng Ean reminded me about something i said last year which annoys people like goes like this :
Crazy?!? I was once Crazy,
they sent me to a home,
then i died,
then the worms ate me!
Worms?!? I hate worms, they drive me crazy!
Crazy?!? I was once Crazy,
they sent me to a home,
then i died,
then the worms ate me!
Worms?!? I hate worms, they drive me crazy!
( it goes on and on like a circle and it never stops ) a few periods after that was KH. One of the class which is the hardest to concentrate or even stay awake in. The moment you step in the class, your screwed!...yup yup, anyway..carrying on...I was so bored when she was teaching so i thought of making the class a little more cheerful...i started saying that annoying crazy thing again but this time in Malay and then Chinese(broken Chinese) but damn i didn't know how to speak Tamil! We all started cranking was funny =]..that actually made the class to not be so hell'ish
lols i think thats bout damn, i right boring stuffs. gosh didn't know my life was this sad and boring..haha.
anyway, one of my friend ( li shyen ) puts like a joke every time she posts something...i wont entirely follow what she did..but I'll do something similar. Each time i post something, I'll put a daily word below. Here's todays word

Definition: something that could make you die
Till next time..take care!