Most of us....have a special someone whereas for the others, we try to find them. Not everyone is as lucky as those who found LOVE and cherishes each other every single moment. As for people like me, we're just "in a way" left hanging in the air and waiting for it to find us.
...Yee Fern, Keng Ean, Li Shyen, Lai Kuan. Those are my friends in school and in class. We're so called in a "gang". Even though its only been a year since I knew them, they've been there for me when I ever needed them most..they just got my back. We didn't start out as how normal friends started out, for a few months we were actually enemies, well they did hate me but it didn't really matter to me. Then once they got to know me better, they actually accepted me and I thank everything for that moment, cause i could never imagine me without them right now.
Yee Fern....
She's a great friend and forever needed. There have been ups and downs between us but we made through it and thats all that matters right now cause their just obstacles that every guy will go through with a friend.
She is the smartest girl in our "gang" actually almost the smartest person in the whole form...*ehemmm* Thats how smart this girl is. Not only that, she has a killer body! Its not everyday you see a smart and hot bodied chick. We'll she's one in a million. Just one little thing she's missing. She's missing faith and self esteem. Every girl is pretty in their own special way, don't you agree? And not everyone is perfect, there are pros and cons. With just a little help in that part, she'll be good enough. Other than that, she's just Yee Fern but without her there is just not much fun anymore.
Keng Ean...
This girl is the littlest girl in our group. She's as light as paper and I could just bet that a slight wind could blow her off her feet. Being that way isn't that bad actually, because of her lightness, she's the flyer for our cheer squad. She is my fail math buddy =]. This girl is so loveable and that doesn't only refer to guys. She is the girl everyone in the gang wants to be close with. I see it in her eyes that sometimes she gets irritated by it, but it kinda serves her right...
To Keng Ean : " Who ask you to be so loveable?!? HAH!!!"
Li Shyen...
Li Shyen ..Li Shyen...Li Shyen....*shakes head* *tsk tsk tsk* The little baby and the most immature one among us. But sadly, her body is the best of us all. *jealous*..nah. She is this adorably annoying which can't stop talking. If your bored one day, go give her a call and that will end your boredness but build up your irritatedness. (AHAHAH) Honestly saying, all of us had some problem with her, last year and beginning of this year. But we've put it all behind us and accepted her for who she is and live with her cons. And turns out, she isn't half bad. She's a jolly and noisy girl which we also need at times, and she's a good listener in many ways.
Lai Kuan...
Lu Bu! This chick is a funny Chinese girl who pukes for everything she does 1st time *private joke*. She is the person i call each time I'm bored and want to hang out...cause she is as free as a white dove being let loose. Her parents are very laid back with her even though she is the eldest child. I guess its because she has a pair of small trustable eyes that you just cant tell whether she is telling a lie. Nah...she is trustable. To think about it the most trustable one among us. To think about life without her, I'd be bed ridden with no one at all to go out with unless its an occasion.
Well it takes one to know one. As you can see everyone of us are different in our own magnificent way and we shouldn't complain about what and why we are this way. Yee Fern without her smartness is just a girl with low self esteem, Keng Ean being fat will just cause me the back supporter die as she falls on me, Li Shyen without her noisyness is just...just....see! It's that bad that i can't even try to imagine and for Lai Kuan...if she dint have this puking at everything she tried her 1st time..that day won't be that day. Not only are we different but we have similarities too. All 5 of us are not in a relationship currently, even though some of us were before. And being single isn't that bad especially when you have friends like that. So love doesn't only involve in relationships but friendships too. For all the sacrifice, patience and commiment we did for each other..i really thing its LOVE .I know this might sound crazy but, thanks to school we're as close as we are now. Cause its not everyday that we get to go out as a gang, a group and as true friends but only in school.
Word For The DAY

Definition : Cannot enter...(thanks keng ean!)