Sunday, December 7, 2008

What The Piakkk ?!?

DOGGIES!!!!! I lurve my dogs...they mean alot to me and most of the time their the shoulder i cry on. this are a few pics of my doggies i love entirely with all my life...just thougt of sharing it with you all....enjoy the furryness of them! =D weeee............

This is 'FLUFFY' she's currently 13 dog years old

This is hershey....she's 3 this year...

This is terry...i lost him about 5 years ago and it still saddens me pretty badly to know that his gone. i just hope he is happy out there and safe as he will always be kept in my heart. miss him badly....take care terry! =<

Fluffy being kissed by Hershey...she doesnt seem to like it xD

My lil Demon dog! xD

This was a celebration of her 3rd b'day!

Fluffy in some horse thinggy..she's so short xD

She was about to kill me when I woke her up xD

She's cool! If you bother'll settle with her =]

She was cold after bathing...she rolled up into a ball x]

Miserably looking at the dog food
as we didn't allow her to have it

WEEE!!! These are a few dogs i wish to have : -

Breed = West highland terrier

Aiyoh!!! so cute...i could just ...GAH!! xD

look at it! just look!!!!

kk then...thats all for now =]...take cares!
