Yay yay..wipee wohoo!
today was a wonderful early birthday
which i had the chance to celebrate it with
no one other than my bestest friends
in the whole wide world and the person
i love the most ever lived =]
yeefern,lishyen,kengean and laikuan
"surprised" me with a cake!! wooot*
it was GOOD. but too bad
cikgu baha ruined the surprise
by asking me "siapa punya hari jadi?"
and i was like "harr?? siapa?"
then he was like "itu tadi nampak kek dgn lilin semua"
LOLS..stupid teacher kantoi'd everything.
wtv it is..its the thought that counts.
thats why i am so blessed with
heart and souls to have them as my friends.
Love you guys to bits! xoxo
after skewl..went to ou for an outing.
5 of us and 2 guys, khaiweng and william.
and ouh my goodness!! my besties surprised me
once again with a prezzie. HOLYMOTHEROFGLORY.
it was very nice! loved it so so much.
thanks guys!! and my boyfriend bought me
like a roxy handbag for me. *aww*
i love him more than anything. so glad i got you bii.
ouh and todays his very happy day cos he
finally bought his ralph lauren!
so basically he spent like 200++bucks on me
and urm..500++bucks for himself!
haha...*muaacckkss* love you!
well here are the pics ..
ouh yeah! and GSC is a fucked up money conning bitch =D