21 june 09.
woke up like at 1pm cos i couldnt sleep and was up
online chatting with chris and chiam and derrick bout
some chick prob between blank and blank.
went to aunt's house in kl. slept the whole day there.
woke up for dinner and went back to play with guinea pig - BUGSY -
omg...so fucking cute!!! i want one..and i'm gonna get one soon.
after it aaron came and picked me so we went to taman megah pasar malam.
till around 10.30ish candice came with jasim. so i left to cp mc'd with them.
in pasar malam i BOUGHT a tongue stud for kevin gan and a ring which i'm
gonna give to chris soon cos its too big for me for a pretty reasonable
price 0.o? lols...ended my night at 3am after "obessesion" the movie. sohai chris
fell fucking asleep half way msging me.
woke up like at 1pm cos i couldnt sleep and was up
online chatting with chris and chiam and derrick bout
some chick prob between blank and blank.
went to aunt's house in kl. slept the whole day there.
woke up for dinner and went back to play with guinea pig - BUGSY -
omg...so fucking cute!!! i want one..and i'm gonna get one soon.
after it aaron came and picked me so we went to taman megah pasar malam.
till around 10.30ish candice came with jasim. so i left to cp mc'd with them.
in pasar malam i BOUGHT a tongue stud for kevin gan and a ring which i'm
gonna give to chris soon cos its too big for me for a pretty reasonable
price 0.o? lols...ended my night at 3am after "obessesion" the movie. sohai chris
fell fucking asleep half way msging me.