9 july 09.
today is a very tiring and stressful day.
went to skewl with alot of problem =/.
went home then fought with my sis.
then mom dropped me at lk's house..took
a walk to mc'd to join inigo,chiam,ah lan and danny.
around 5ish i went to ou by kahoe.
he was in mc'd with ee hao, suh en and ben there so
i asked him to drop me at ou cos i had dinner with my dad.
dinner was at 6.30 but i went there too early =.=. so i walked
around with ee hao they all first. met some new guy in dragonfly =D.
then went osc after that, ah pin came so he followed me to walk
to some japanese restaurant opposite sri melaka.
he left me then xos he had to rush back to osc to go dinner with friends.
so i went walking alone in parkson for PERFUME =D.
went for dinner with dad after that. left ou around 10ish after shopping with sis.
went out around 11ish to kota'd to say bye to SIANG MENG whose going to Auckland tomorrow =<. so sad...bye you..have fun there =]. now i'm in mc'd again..using the wifi. since stupid internet at home isnt working..AGAIN omg. here are some lef out pics and pics of today =D
hey you guys =< KENG EAN, LI SHYEN, YEE FERN & LAI KUAN.do know i love you guys alot and i appreciate everything.
thank you for not giving up especially you ke. i really really love you all. and i'm trying to be more
careful and aware now. i'm SORRY. i know you guys might not
trust me as much now...but i'm trying. i want to...but it takes time. but i am determine to
change. i LOVE YOU GUYS.
today is a very tiring and stressful day.
went to skewl with alot of problem =/.
went home then fought with my sis.
then mom dropped me at lk's house..took
a walk to mc'd to join inigo,chiam,ah lan and danny.
around 5ish i went to ou by kahoe.
he was in mc'd with ee hao, suh en and ben there so
i asked him to drop me at ou cos i had dinner with my dad.
dinner was at 6.30 but i went there too early =.=. so i walked
around with ee hao they all first. met some new guy in dragonfly =D.
then went osc after that, ah pin came so he followed me to walk
to some japanese restaurant opposite sri melaka.
he left me then xos he had to rush back to osc to go dinner with friends.
so i went walking alone in parkson for PERFUME =D.
went for dinner with dad after that. left ou around 10ish after shopping with sis.
went out around 11ish to kota'd to say bye to SIANG MENG whose going to Auckland tomorrow =<. so sad...bye you..have fun there =]. now i'm in mc'd again..using the wifi. since stupid internet at home isnt working..AGAIN omg. here are some lef out pics and pics of today =D

thank you for not giving up especially you ke. i really really love you all. and i'm trying to be more
careful and aware now. i'm SORRY. i know you guys might not
trust me as much now...but i'm trying. i want to...but it takes time. but i am determine to
change. i LOVE YOU GUYS.