this morning had to wake up at like 8am for
JI meeting in smk taman bukit maluri.
amazingly we managed to find the way there =D..
yay for us! the meeting was alright, other than me having a huge urge to slap
some woman..the meeting was normal =].
after the was like a SURVIVAL reality movie for me
and lk. cos like..we've never been there, we had no idea where were we, we had no
transport home and it was super scary plus hot. met nice new ppl like
rachel and edward. HAPPY BIRTHDAY EDWARD =]...i manage to
contact kyrel to come all the way from taman tun to
send me home to lk's hse at bu1. went to mc'd after that to yc with brian and lk.
then went back to lk's hse to like have some chick to chick talk and bercamwhore with
lk's 10mp camera. so most of our pics are like in her camera which i will upload
sooner later after she sends it to me, left her house around 6ish to home
then went to the park with zul and the other footsal ppl. went home around
7ish?!? then i fell asleep till 9ish and now i'm out in mc'd using their wifi
cos the damn Internet at home is a big bitch. ah pin said he might
be coming and like bring mk along but...i'm not sure whether he still is or not. his
busy playing snooker in osc now anyway.

.missing my babes.