19 aug 09
i ate your mom yesterday for breakfast =D
hahaha..nvm bout that. trials are going on now.
their pretty fun actually if u dun count the getting caught
for cheating x].
went to community hall to disturb and play a lil badminton with
shaun and pasha then darren came and kacau.
apparently he thinks he plays very well. ahahh screw u mamak!
then walked back hoem ith chris around 5ish to get ready
for dinner with daddy. went to ou to have dinner at kura till
8ish. then walked aroudn with sis. i went SHOPPING!!! woooTT***
i feel..happy =D but lonely a lil. thank god i got G.T and J.K and J.J to
keep me occupied a lil by texting. thanks guys =]..
just got home like 2 minutes ago? and i cant wait till holidays start!
filled it up with dates already x]...but if there was a brothersister meet up.
i'll cancel them just to see them. i miss u shaun,laikuan and jason!!
but..tell me early la if got plans. i cant ffk my dates wei. abit the mean xD
maybe i could like berdate with u ppl there. it'll be so weird!!
anyway...having a pretty bad sore throat now =/ ughh
till next time..take care =D

i ate your mom yesterday for breakfast =D
hahaha..nvm bout that. trials are going on now.
their pretty fun actually if u dun count the getting caught
for cheating x].
went to community hall to disturb and play a lil badminton with
shaun and pasha then darren came and kacau.
apparently he thinks he plays very well. ahahh screw u mamak!
then walked back hoem ith chris around 5ish to get ready
for dinner with daddy. went to ou to have dinner at kura till
8ish. then walked aroudn with sis. i went SHOPPING!!! woooTT***
i feel..happy =D but lonely a lil. thank god i got G.T and J.K and J.J to
keep me occupied a lil by texting. thanks guys =]..
just got home like 2 minutes ago? and i cant wait till holidays start!
filled it up with dates already x]...but if there was a brothersister meet up.
i'll cancel them just to see them. i miss u shaun,laikuan and jason!!
but..tell me early la if got plans. i cant ffk my dates wei. abit the mean xD
maybe i could like berdate with u ppl there. it'll be so weird!!
anyway...having a pretty bad sore throat now =/ ughh
till next time..take care =D