today was meiling koko's wedding lunch =]
she was so pretty and it was ages since i've last seen her.
it was held at bukit jalil clubhouse(taithong)
the food was AWESOME =D
met alot of long time no see relatives. it was fun.
but on the way back, the car FREAKIN BROKE DOWN. farkss..
so yea..went to alex's hse and basically vandalised his room *heeee*
happy marriage? merry marriage? selamat marriage? good marriage? hmm..=/

she was so pretty and it was ages since i've last seen her.
it was held at bukit jalil clubhouse(taithong)
the food was AWESOME =D
met alot of long time no see relatives. it was fun.
but on the way back, the car FREAKIN BROKE DOWN. farkss..
so yea..went to alex's hse and basically vandalised his room *heeee*
happy marriage? merry marriage? selamat marriage? good marriage? hmm..=/

"i hate larlar's but i take picture like 1. dont talk to me. i'm too cool for you."
:hey you bitch. suck on my dick okay? i've got more friends than you do. ouh wait
you don't have any in the first place. so obviously i've got more. you think they like you?
they don't give a shit bout you. so stop stealing frens from ppl who live with you.
=D its my fuck yourself. at least i don't give a shit bout yours. no one looks at yours.
so fucking get a life k? so don't tell ppl you seldom update, cos they dont give an anus crap.
THEY DONT READ IT!!!! get that in your thick skull whorebagg.

btw to teachers, i know your reading. LEAVE THE SHITS OF ME ALONE.
jesus christ. if u want me to change, you sure gotta start changing the perspective you have
on me..yourself. so like, go give a crap bout your kids so that they won't turn out like me. k? C=