shakalaka boom!
life is always about the money.
here, there, everywhere..all money money money.
i wish i was rich =/ i could get anything i want.
like an awesome car..or like a bigger house. or SLAVES!
they can like feed me grapes and wipe my ass when i am done
with the loo.
but family isn't that rich. only my dad
but he has another WOMAN to take care of now. *Sigh*
ouh well..i guess life just sucks for me. i just hope it gets
better after reaching my birthday next week.
i hope my dad at least got me the phone i want. nokia 5530.
i doubt he'll get it for me..there isn't much point
at staring at the bright side anymore..cos I'll just knock myself
down with disappointments. anyhow..i'll just write
down a birthday wish list which i hope i'll get them as presents :]
Crystal chai's personal birthday wish list :
1. nokia 5530 (white colour with pink linings)
2. roxy handbag
3. roxy bikini
4. heels
5. roxy watch
6. nike gym bag
7. roxy sandals
8. roxy pencil box
9. money
10. to have back a normal family wouldn't hurt
so far..i guess thats all.