happy birthday sister :) candice chai yuann yuann.
even if u have been a pain in my ass and constantly keep
getting me into trouble, your still my sister.
and i've got too much of a lil sister ego to tell u i love u
face to face :) but i do. haha
on 19.12.11
- Vanity Night - smkbu prom :)
it was one of the best nights ever.
went over at troppy about 1pm to tie 200 balloons D:
quite sien la. LOL but its all good. went back to ls hse to bathe then
head over to ou for hair&makeup. reached back
at troppy about 7ish to find out it has
been blacked out since 6 -.- .
at 8pm, the generator arrives..and only after an
hour...the electricity was back on. PROM was then kickstarted with so many performances :)
overall..it was an amazing night. everyone had fun :)
it was the best prom of 2011.
so hear me out, fuck you if u didn't come cos u
think it'll be lame. fuck you if u think
we couldn't do it and fuck you if you looked down on us.
even with small number, we had the time of our lives <3

after having to live in taiping..for so many days,
i really appreciate life more. this is based and for my ama.
a few months back, on lantern festival day..
something bad happened to my grandmom :/
it was about in the evening when she went out with my grandfather..
to get some mooncake.
she was walking on the road towards the car after
already purchasing the stuff they needed.
a motorcyclist drove buy and tried to pull off
the handbag from ama's arm. in shock,
ama lost balanced and fell head first on the road.
the motorcyclist did not manage to take the hanbag but
ama was unconscious with blood coming out from her ears.
kongkong quickly rushed him to the emergency room.
as the results came back, ama broke her hip bone
and her brain was bleeding internally. hours pass and she was getting weaker and weaker.
the doctor in the taiping general hosp ordered her to be sent
to the main hospital in ipoh to be checked again.
ama was weak :/ she couldn't open her eyes. the bleeding of her brain did
not stop. thus, a surgery was needed to be done to have at least a chance for her to live.
the surgeon had a talk with mummy, over the circumstances of this surgery.
because of my grandmother's age, the chances of ama living thru this is slight.
and if she does manage to go thru the surgery..there will be side effects
such as memory loss and so on as they will be operating on her brains.
the surgery took place at about 12am till 3am. mummy received a call from
the hosp saying its over, they can go see her now.
after all that :/ ama was in icu. having to go in there..and see
all these...tubes and wires connected to her. hurts alot.
after weeks and weeks of seeing her in the same condition,
i had to go back to kl as it was my spm trials week. i already skipped
my moral paper for trials. as months passed..ama managed to fight
thru it. she woke up. i was so happy everything turned out ok.
today i sit here in taiping..watching my mom,aunt and my uncle..
helping her and nurturing her to walk again.
it brings tears to my eyes. it shows that...
life can just go like that...in a split second. why waste it on
things that'll bring u nowhere but down?
i love my family.
i love life.