Today was a pretty normal day. went out for lunch with my sister and her bf(yoke) then they dropped me at ou to meet lai kuan and jason. reached there, met them....chilled at BURGER KING till shaun and cs came along. we chilled there for about a few hours ( 1 or 2 hours) then we left to walk more and send cs to the main entrance cos he had to leave....after he left we went to the arcade since the GUYS are in a way addicted to it. stayed there for quite awhile...after that we all just got bored. we sat on a bench opposite "TOWER RECORDS" minding our own business while watching " DRAGON BALL" on their tv....a few minutes later while we were watching this dude was in the shop and hell knows how he walks but he just walked through the glass...that was freakin funny! i was trying not to laugh...but i mean, i'm me! how can i not?!? i was laughing like super took me at least 10 minutes to calm down again. it was crazy funny. it wasn't just me laughing...even LAI KUAN was gasping for air. i know it maybe pretty rude of us to laugh at someone who is suffering or whatever sort...but i swear! if u were will laugh with us x]. i pity that guy...after he banged his head he squatted on the floor right in front of the glass and started cursing at the glass. HAHAHA!!!! he is one smart guy bad there wasn't a camera ready for us to take a picture of it. DAMN!...but oh well good laughs.
Thats all for today...take care
. CrystaL .
Tuesday, December 16, 2008
Sunday, December 7, 2008
What The Piakkk ?!?
DOGGIES!!!!! I lurve my dogs...they mean alot to me and most of the time their the shoulder i cry on. this are a few pics of my doggies i love entirely with all my life...just thougt of sharing it with you all....enjoy the furryness of them! =D weeee............

kk then...thats all for now =]...take cares!
This is 'FLUFFY' she's currently 13 dog years old

This is hershey....she's 3 this year...

This is terry...i lost him about 5 years ago and it still saddens me pretty badly to know that his gone. i just hope he is happy out there and safe as he will always be kept in my heart. miss him badly....take care terry! =<

Fluffy being kissed by Hershey...she doesnt seem to like it xD

My lil Demon dog! xD

This was a celebration of her 3rd b'day!

Fluffy in some horse thinggy..she's so short xD

She was about to kill me when I woke her up xD

She's cool! If you bother'll settle with her =]

She was cold after bathing...she rolled up into a ball x]

Miserably looking at the dog food
as we didn't allow her to have it

WEEE!!! These are a few dogs i wish to have : -
Breed = West highland terrier

Aiyoh!!! so cute...i could just ...GAH!! xD

look at it! just look!!!!

kk then...thats all for now =]...take cares!
Friday, December 5, 2008
. Outing . ONe Utama . 5th DEC'08 . BROTHER SISTER FOR LIFE
one fine friday afternoon where all of us ( crystal, shaun, lai kuan, jason and cs ) were out for a day to release some stress....
we walked and walked and walked even more untill we reach to a point when we couldnt take another step...we rested our burnt feets at "BURGER KING "
So mean while at our pit stop we felt vain and had an huge urge to camwhore =]....and so we did...this are a few things that happen....when we were in a better way of saying it ' being photogenic '........................
So mean while at our pit stop we felt vain and had an huge urge to camwhore =]....and so we did...this are a few things that happen....when we were in a better way of saying it ' being photogenic '........................

Uncle Sim looks so blurd...but so so la...still ok ok looking

to stop him with my strong yellow shooting hands!

Candit the 2nd!!! not fair but the CHAIs' are in ORANGE!MY DARLINGS! laikuan thinks she's handsome while Sim thinks his pretty...hell knows wat they dran

It Comes in 2 xD
the end for now...take cares!
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