Thursday : had wonderful funny times in skewl. had too much time during civics, so i drew LISHYEN's hand. which came out AWESOME! i even surprised myself with my awesome-ness =D. the day was GREAT but the night came out bad. this was the night my boyfriend and i broke up. it was a both party decision kinda thing. he had his college and i miss him everyday, basically college + less time = not working out for me and him. so we ended it. ever since that particular day, my life sucked. we broke up at 11ish at night, obviously me being human i cried. then i went online cos i can't sleep obviously after whatappened. i told kelvin ng =]..he called me after that and gave me a pep-talk thing. so yeah...ended that dreadful night at 3 am and woke up at 6 for the next day for skewl (woohoo =.=). 

Friday : Woke up hoping things will turn out better, but i was wrong. thought about him every second. i went to skewl moody..and lifeless. once i reached skewl, put my bags and ran outside of class towards lishyen and khai and started crying. lishyen was nice..she hugged me while i was flooding the skewl away with my tears. the whole day i was miserable. everyone noticed that there was something wrong with me, they asked i ignored.Friday night, had dinner with daddy. got alot of cash =D. after dinner i joined a few friends of mine to mardi to try to release some stress. got home at 3am drunk, puking and straight to bed.

Saturday : i thought getting drunk will at least make me feel better...well kids i learnt my lesson. it doesnt help abit, well it does abit but not entirely x].woke up at 11 or 12 ish and wished my mother happy birthday =]. walked around the house...thought about him, continue walking around then decided to go ONEUTAMA. called up my besty LK and off to ou i went. wanted to watch fast and furious at GSC but it was HOLYMOTHEROFGOD filled with decided to go to TGV..on our way met JASON CHAI who wants to watch that movie too! he joined us and told us shaun was we went to TGV bought the tickets and met up =]. the movie was OMFGTHEULTIMATE movie of the YEAR!! damn damn chee kik!...and i felt like i forgotten bout him already..but he msged asking to meet all came back..came back just like that in a blink of an eye. bought a drink from a small lil larlar shop near tgv and walked towards osc to meet up with him. peeked through the door and i saw him sitting there with *ehemmm*. so i realized he doesnt need me anymore. without entering the place, i left. went to burger king feeling superb emotional after that. all things started appearing in my mind, thanks to jason and shaun and LK, it got off soon. then around 8 or 9..had dinner with mummy and sis. left ou at 10ish =]. msged HIM and fell asleep


Friday : Woke up hoping things will turn out better, but i was wrong. thought about him every second. i went to skewl moody..and lifeless. once i reached skewl, put my bags and ran outside of class towards lishyen and khai and started crying. lishyen was nice..she hugged me while i was flooding the skewl away with my tears. the whole day i was miserable. everyone noticed that there was something wrong with me, they asked i ignored.Friday night, had dinner with daddy. got alot of cash =D. after dinner i joined a few friends of mine to mardi to try to release some stress. got home at 3am drunk, puking and straight to bed.

Saturday : i thought getting drunk will at least make me feel better...well kids i learnt my lesson. it doesnt help abit, well it does abit but not entirely x].woke up at 11 or 12 ish and wished my mother happy birthday =]. walked around the house...thought about him, continue walking around then decided to go ONEUTAMA. called up my besty LK and off to ou i went. wanted to watch fast and furious at GSC but it was HOLYMOTHEROFGOD filled with decided to go to TGV..on our way met JASON CHAI who wants to watch that movie too! he joined us and told us shaun was we went to TGV bought the tickets and met up =]. the movie was OMFGTHEULTIMATE movie of the YEAR!! damn damn chee kik!...and i felt like i forgotten bout him already..but he msged asking to meet all came back..came back just like that in a blink of an eye. bought a drink from a small lil larlar shop near tgv and walked towards osc to meet up with him. peeked through the door and i saw him sitting there with *ehemmm*. so i realized he doesnt need me anymore. without entering the place, i left. went to burger king feeling superb emotional after that. all things started appearing in my mind, thanks to jason and shaun and LK, it got off soon. then around 8 or 9..had dinner with mummy and sis. left ou at 10ish =]. msged HIM and fell asleep

Sunday : woke up tis morning, waited for his msg. waited too long so i went to shower. woke mummy and sis up to get ready and going to THIEN HAO KONG temple in brickfields to kind off pray away the bad lucks, and hope for a miracle!...there were alot of chantings and singing, due to cheng beng i assume. did all my praying, wishing and thanking, so i went to laze around. then he called...we talked and talked then mummy started lecturing me so i had to hang up the phone. after templing i went to AMCORP mall in urm..pj somewhere i think. walked around while texting him. had lunch and SRI MELAKA..then finally wtv i prayed, wished and thanked for came true. he asked me back, basically both of us has been real sad without each other. and i HOPE now that his feelings for me does not decrease no more but incease perhaps.right after getting that msg...i started smiling again. i was happy and being the normal me. i was ME once again. i wont be seeing him for another 5 days, it better go by fast cos summing it up all together, i havent seen him for exactly 12days thats like..OMG! almost 2 weeks!!...ouh and i had a holy flower bath just now =] it was good!
