sometimes things just do go the way you want them to.
sometimes ppl say things, they don't mean out of anger.
but if u sum it up all together and add a lil more problems,
you get LIFE.
when i was about form2 to form3 i was a big B I T C H. trust me.
i would go around..thinking i was the coolest kid on the blog.
telling ppl i did things, which i didn't do.
skip skewl, fight with teacher, fight with ppl
and seriously many many more.
but i learn tru it. luckily for me..i had the 4 greatest ppl.
they helped me tru it..like hell they did. they were fucking
worried for me. i really have to thank them for that.
i wouldn't be who i am standing here today, if it wasn't for them.
we are the N*5. this may sound lame..but baby if u met us,
you'd be blown away. we've been friends for 5 years..
there are ups and downs..but we made it. we made tru everything.
due to the fact that we are all girls, we tend to pms.
quite alot (kengean) but its okay. TROLOLOLOL. we still livetru it. i'm really proud and happy to say, i thank god i have themby my side..during the happy times and the sad. 5 years come and go babes..promise me one thing?we would never end..cos this is one of the greatest relationships..i have ever had. in my laife! and believe me..thats a lot of relationships to be compared to. we will never be apart ok? forever we stand as 1 and forever we go as 1. those bitches out there..they only hate us cos they can't havewhat we have. you name it...we've been tru it.after this year finally ends...we'll be going our separate ways,it's really sad come to think of it. all i know is, i know u girls will have my backas i will have yours! thanks alot babes. you make my life a living hell anda dying heaven :) i <3 u guys. actually i less than infinity N*5 !!if u don't invite me to your wedding!!! we are no longer tight yo!ahhahaha...LUB LUB YOU BABES <3

I LOVE YOU GIRLS. N*5 FOR LIFE <3 fuck those who judge us. love those who like us <3

this is a random pic btw. this will explain why i ain't a slut like those other bitches.
this is my primary skewl pic. i am the one on the second row, 3rd from the right side.
if u dont see me. damn ur blind cos i was HUGE. LOL :) lub lub cao